Friday, November 23, 2012

The Standard

"There are a multitude of stories throughout history where men and women lived the gospel generously and to the fullest of their capacity. These are the stories I love to feast on and meditate on. These are the people I want to run the race with. I don't want to compare myself with the people in this generation and feel good about how godly I am because I give a little more money or spend a little more time in prayer than my neighbor. I want to run the race with men and women such as John the Baptist and all who have followed him who take the words of Jesus at face value and truly become people the world is not worthy of.

We cannot do this in our own strength. It is impossible to please Jesus and to transform ourselves without divine help. We are in great need, and the longer I press for a life of wholeheartedness, the more I see my need. The older I get, the harder it gets, not easier. I want to run the race with endurance, but I need the aid of someone bigger. It takes the help of God Himself in order to stay in the furnace of transformation. We often start off with a lot of zeal and then run out of steam very quickly. We need the fire of God Himself to energize us, sustain us, and keep us steadfast to the end. We need Him to help us.


How far can we go? How abandoned can we be? How much grace will He empower us with in order to leave all to follow Him? I don't want to ask how much sin and compromise I can get away with and still get into heaven. I want to know the exhilaration of burning the bridges and paying my vows. Like Paul the apostle, John the Baptist, and Mary of Bethany, I want to express love to the fullest degree that the Lord will empower me to."

- Misty Edwards, What is the Point?: Discovering Life's Deeper Meaning and Purpose

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